Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Sacrificing for the Cause of Christ! 

Though in the Lord's Sovereignty and Providence, it was necessary that our Missions Conference become a Missions day, it was a wonderful opportunity to reflect on the theme of Sacrificing for the Cause of Christ. Thank you to Ryan and Jacob for their messages, and to Jim and Peggy for sharing as well. 

The reality is that most of us, author included, have very little understanding of what it means to sacrifice for the cause of Christ. My prayer is that we will learn to genuinely sacrifice by conviction, because sacrifice by compulsion may be near at hand. 

Test to Convince Whom?

When we consider "sacrifice" from Scripture, after the crucifixion, most of our minds would likely be drawn to Abraham and Isaac. (Genesis 22...check it out). You're most likely familiar with the incident. God asks Abraham to take Isaac to Mount Moriah and offer him as a burnt offering to the Lord. His SON! His only SON! The heir of the Abrahamic covenant from which a great nation was promised! Wow! It is unimaginable for us, in the culture of "comfort, ease and what's best for me", to consider surrendering our children to the Lord, much less sacrificing them to Him! Verse 1 says that God "tested" Abraham. Our normal thought process is to assume that God tested him to see if he would be faithful in doing what He asked, to see if he would prioritize His will first, even over his son, even to the point of sacrificing his son. BUT WAIT!! Is that really what was taking place, is that really the purpose of the testing?? Who is God? Did He not know Abraham's heart? Did He not already know that he would be faithful? Did He not already know that he would be obedient even to this unconscionable command? Of course He knew! He is God! I propose that the test of the sacrifice was indeed NOT for God to see where Abraham's heart was, but to convince Abraham where his own heart was! Abraham himself needed to be convinced that he loved God above all else...and he proved to HIMSELF that he was faithful. God already knew. 


Have you ever thought about this truth in regard to what the Lord asks of us? In regard to what we might consider (rightly or wrongly) sacrifice? The Lord isn't trying to determine where our hearts are, He already knows! He is showing us, revealing to us, where our hearts are. Then, when we see areas that are not surrendered, that are not His, areas that in reality are idols, by His grace He will empower us to make the "sacrifice". The sacrifice that is necessary to walk closer, more obedient, more surrendered, more genuine. Abraham proved to himself that not even his only son was more important to him than his Lord. What is the Lord asking you to "sacrifice"? What are you holding on to that is priority over Him? What is He asking you to surrender? 

Let go of the idols. 

Draw closer to Him. 

He knows your heart already. 

The required sacrifice is to reveal to you where you heart is? Is it HIS?? In all areas?? 

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Dear TCBC friend,

        As Dan Hickman and Mark Legler both recently reported, the Development Committee has compiled all of the information you provided from the ABF meetings, thought Jogger surveys, and forwarded this to the elders for their review. We are happy to report that progress is being made in many areas, thanks to the Lord’s blessing of His work at TCBC and your faithful service.  As your elders, we sincerely desire to make the most of every opportunity for Christian service. We believe that if the Lord has made these areas of ministry important to us, He will provide the labor necessary for them to be fruitful.

         Below is a list of the “short term” goals we as a body identified and indicated were important ministries to consider. We’ve included the progress to date so that we may all give thanks to our Lord as we clearly see His hand guiding our process in the following ways:

Counseling Ministry We are very excited about the progress of this ministry.  Many hours have been spent in creating the right format to take this opportunity into the future.  A separate entity has been created to allow a limitation of liability, individuals have been in the process of receiving their certification, and budgets are being prepared to determine the projected cost.  We are pleased to announce that the name of this new entity/ministry is Tri-County Biblical Counseling, LLC.  We anticipate being able to provide increased counseling opportunities later this fall. The need for this ministry is great, and we are thankful to have resources to meet this need.

Manna Ministry We have prayed and discussed the pros and cons of this ministry and have determined that there are several ideas to consider. Like other ministries, this will require a significant amount of organization and involvement, so that it can function in a God-honoring manner.  It will also require a significant amount of storage space which we do not currently have. We believe, though, that there is opportunity for this in the future. Perhaps this may tie into the Kitchen relocation? More consideration will be given to this early next year, after we have the Counseling Ministry in place.

Mentoring Ministry  Praise the Lord for His encouragement and confirmation! The surveys indicated that mentoring was an important step in improving our ability to minister. As elders, we’ve been working in this direction for quite some time. Our goal is to provide a firmer foundation for those serving, something that would create consistency and facilitate a better understanding of the many opportunities here at TCBC.

       After assembling a “ministry handbook” we met with all of our ministry chairmen last month to create a dialogue in this process and allow the chair to provide input to make the handbook a working set of documents. Over the next two months, we will meet one-on-one with ministry chairs to further refine the ministry descriptions and finalize the handbook. During this time, we’ll work together to sharpen one another so that areas of responsibility are clearly defined. Going forward, the ministry chair will utilize the handbook to facilitate their individual ministry process. This will be a foundation for future leaders to use. In our “Intro to TCBC” class we’ll use this to encourage newer individuals, and to provide an overview of ministry opportunities. We are excited to know that the Lord has confirmed His direction to us through you in such a specific manner and we believe this process will bear fruit for many years to come here at TCBC.

Relocation of Kitchen With the deacons’ help, we are in the process of forming a committee to investigate the costs of relocating the kitchen. Our thought is to include a key representative from the Buildings Grounds, our kitchen staff, the ABF breakfast staff, and perhaps Beau Graf who has experience on developing a kitchen and has volunteered to help.   Blue prints have already been created for this in the past and can be used as a reference point and changed to fit our current needs.  We will keep you up to date on this possibility when the committee prepares its findings for us to review.

Church Plant In conjunction with bringing Jamie & Jacob Sechrest to TCBC as missionary interns, the elders had proposed that mentoring in the area of church planting be a prerequisite.  Once again we have clearly seen that the Lord is providing direction, as you have seen this to be a priority as well. Praise the Lord!  In this regard, we’ll be putting out feelers to see what God has in mind in regard to a potential church plant in Newton County.

Faith Seminary Training As reported previously, we have a unique opportunity to work with Faith Church to provide free seminary training to individuals who we sponsor by providing a 3-year internship. The thought is to lighten the student’s load both financially, in regard to tuition, and spiritually and physically by ensuring their home church has supported them through an internship. Since initially reported we’ve had a few individuals express interest and have worked to see if the Lord might provide direction as to timing. This program has a (3) year cycle and this fall is open to new students. Brian Hannon hopes to attend in the future, perhaps 2016. If you are interested, let us know. Clayton Evans is ready to attend this fall. We have applied to Faith as the sponsor for Clayton. He has applied for the program. If approved, he will begin classes in August. This will necessitate a reduction of his current hours here at the church as Pastoral Assistant and the hiring of a part time secretary to handle the office related items. Dividing these hours allows us to stay in line with our current budget and it’s our hope that all will proceed accordingly. Please pray for this process, for Clayton & Cayla as they undertake this journey and for a secretary. Our hope is for TCBC to be an “incubator” of sorts, raising up men & women for the work our Lord calls them to, and we rejoice in this great opportunity.

BCM Missionary   Another unique opportunity the Lord has brought to us to consider is supporting a missionary for a specific purpose here in our community. Jim & Peggy Steele have long been supported by TCBC as missionaries, and the organization they serve with, BCM International, provides missionaries that teach Bible-based curriculum to public school students during school hours. This is a “release time” activity in which parents sign release forms to allow their child to leave the school during the normal school day to attend these classes offsite. The elders have asked the mission’s committee to investigate all of the parameters and report back on this work to see if God would have this for us.  As we understand this so far, our only responsibility is to help provide support to the missionary.

In Conclusion: We are thankful for your efforts in communicating to the Development Committee the things that you believe God is presenting as opportunities for us here at TCBC. God has placed each one of us here “for such a time as this,” to serve Him in reaching the lost and encouraging His church. There is no mountain too high that He can’t accomplish His will through us if we are yielded to serve.  These are only the short-term goals that you believe God may have identified for us; many other long term goals have also been articulated.  We join with you in eagerness to see how the Lord wishes to use us for His glory.


In His Service,

Your TCBC Elders

Andy, Glen, Jeff, Jim, Mark, Mike

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

What Expectations?

A recent study conducted by the Barna Group found that nearly three out of every five young Christians (59%) disconnect either permanently or for an extended period of time from church life after age 15. This is a problem. Our challenge is lower that percentage dramatically. I believe we all are collectively responsible for doing just that.

Recently, Greg Stier, President of Dare 2 Share Ministries, re-posted an article he wrote about "Why Mormons do Youth Ministry Better than We Do." He shared some interesting insights and challenging thoughts. Check out what he had to say at the link below:

Disclaimer: TCBC endorses the articles we post, but not necessarily everything written by an author whom we may post. Always read with biblical discernment.