Thursday, March 27, 2014

“Out of the Abundance of the Heart…Facebook Speaks”

“Out of the Abundance of the Heart…Facebook Speaks”

            We live in an era in which inter-personal communication is dominated by emails and texts, “posts”, “tweets”, “snapchats” and “instas”. As is the case with the vast majority of technological advance, there are certainly some benefits and blessings to these forms of communication. Maintaining contact with friends and loved ones across the globe, and instantly communicating or receiving a photo or video of an event at which we cannot be present in real time is awesome. Text me!

            Most importantly, this as well as all media can and should be used to bring glory to God and share the gospel! The truth of a risen Lord and Savior for all who repent! May we ask the Lord to use this technology in a way that would honor Him!

 I believe we are naive and foolish however not to recognize the inherent dangers of social media. Satan and his minions are adept at taking something that may be harmless and beneficial and twisting it into something sinful and perverse. Never forget we are in constant spiritual warfare (Eph. 6:12).

            Disciples of Christ are to always prioritize honoring Him and submission to His plans and purposes over convenience and ease. Please consider the following as you participate in the activities of social media.

1)     We are commanded to avoid the appearance of evil (1 Thes.5:22). This is a general life principle for the follower of Christ that is comprehensive in scope. We are to avoid any influences or behaviors that would displease our Lord.

2)      We are to communicate personally, face to face with those with whom we have an issue. (Matthew 18:15; 5:23-24) Long before social media and still prevalent in our culture, gossip was and is a heinous sin among followers of Christ. Social media has simply made gossip as simple as a post or tweet. It seems that in our minds we can subvert the clear teachings of Scripture and Christ because it is so much easier to air our grievances over social media. Indeed, it is easier and most will and do follow this course. Certainly reminds us of the broad road and the strait gate doesn’t it? 

3)      It is disconcerting how often people respond in support of a sinful, gossiping post or tweet by liking or commenting. Please be reminded that this too is inappropriate. The Scriptures deal very straight forwardly with responding quickly to an accusation or criticism. Proverbs 18:17 “The first to plead his case seems right, until another comes and examines him.” This has posts and tweets written all over it. People often like and comment on a post having only heard the “first to plead his case”, then find themselves ashamed when the reality of a situation is made known as “someone examines him.” The Lord addressed this specifically. Proverbs 18:13 “He who gives an answer (or "likes" or "comments"?) before he hears, it is folly and shame to him.

      Much more could be discussed here, but that would need a booklet not a blog. Here is the bottom line. For the glory of God, be careful and cautious as you use social media. Be more concerned with honoring our Lord and Father than being heard. Handle issues Biblically, not socially. If you cannot control how you use social media, like anything else that would cause us or others to stumble and sin, remove the temptation.

     Finally, recognize this truth; what we post is indicative of the reality of our hearts. Do we really love Jesus and desire to honor and serve Him? Indeed, not only out of the mouth, "but out of the abundance of the heartsocial media speaks"!         (See Matthew 12:33-37).


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